Beginner's Tip: How To Set A Quick-Bookmark
May 21, 2008
If you have ever clicked more than once to try to navigate back to your own screen, this tip is for you. Whether you are in the Family, Pedigree, Descendant, Chronology, or Index View, it should never take more than one click to return to yourself.
Here's a scenario. You're in the Family View, looking at your 9th great-grandfather. To navigate back to yourself, either you 1) click on his child enough times until you're finally back to yourself or 2) you switch to the Index View, locate yourself, and then go back to the Family View. If this sounds familiar, you will be happy to know there is a quicker way.
All you have to do is first navigate to yourself, then set a Quick-Bookmark.
To set the quick-bookmark, simply right-click in the blank area in the lower left of the screen (see image below). Just to the right of the small "1" numeral is a blank space. Right-clicking in this blank space will set a quick-bookmark for the currently highlighted person.
Once this is set, you can be viewing your 13th cousin, 4 times removed, and all you have to do to navigate back to yourself, is left-click once on your name in the quick-bookmark section.
In fact, you can set up to three quick-bookmarks. Just navigate to the desired person, then right-click in any of the three quick-bookmark sections. Then, to jump to a quick-bookmarked person, just click on their name.
To clear a quick-bookmark, while holding down the Ctrl key, right-click in the box you want to clear. The name disappears.