Legacy classes and new video training CDs at the BYU conference, August 1-4, 2006
What Should I Believe

Pedigree Chart - Using Color for Emphasis


I recently extended the ancestry of one of my lines and want to give an updated pedigree chart to my cousin. I want the updated information to stand out - can I emphasize or "colorize" only the new people that I've added? - Tom


The deluxe version of Legacy makes this easy. Just follow these steps. I've included an example of this chart below for your review.

  1. In the Family View, navigate to the desired starting person of the pedigree.
  2. Using Legacy's tagging feature, tag the people that you want to "colorize". You might have to turn on the tagging options from Options > Customize > General tab > Enable tagging options.
  3. Click on the Reports button at the top and click on the Pedigree tab.
  4. Click on the Report Options button, click on the Format tab and make sure that Put boxes around individuals is selected. Close.
  5. Click on the Color Text and Boxes button.
  6. Select Color all text and boxes the same. Select your desired color by clicking on the text and box color buttons.
  7. Check the option to Only color individuals tagged on number and select the tag number you used in step 2.
  8. Save and Preview/Print.

Click on the picture below to see the "colorized" pedigree chart:



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I sure wish there was a way to create one of the charts (ie pedigree, etc) and highlight and copy it to place in an email . Sometimes I want to send genealogy info without having to manually write it all. Any suggestions would be wonderful.

Sharon, you can create a .pdf of the report and attach it to an email. This is explained in the new "Creating and Sharing Perfect Reports" video. See http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/videos.asp for a preview.

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