Pedigree Chart - Using Color for Emphasis
July 24, 2006
I recently extended the ancestry of one of my lines and want to give an updated pedigree chart to my cousin. I want the updated information to stand out - can I emphasize or "colorize" only the new people that I've added? - Tom
The deluxe version of Legacy makes this easy. Just follow these steps. I've included an example of this chart below for your review.
- In the Family View, navigate to the desired starting person of the pedigree.
- Using Legacy's tagging feature, tag the people that you want to "colorize". You might have to turn on the tagging options from Options > Customize > General tab > Enable tagging options.
- Click on the Reports button at the top and click on the Pedigree tab.
- Click on the Report Options button, click on the Format tab and make sure that Put boxes around individuals is selected. Close.
- Click on the Color Text and Boxes button.
- Select Color all text and boxes the same. Select your desired color by clicking on the text and box color buttons.
- Check the option to Only color individuals tagged on number and select the tag number you used in step 2.
- Save and Preview/Print.
Click on the picture below to see the "colorized" pedigree chart:
I sure wish there was a way to create one of the charts (ie pedigree, etc) and highlight and copy it to place in an email . Sometimes I want to send genealogy info without having to manually write it all. Any suggestions would be wonderful.
Posted by: Sharon Graybiel | August 20, 2006 at 08:50 AM
Sharon, you can create a .pdf of the report and attach it to an email. This is explained in the new "Creating and Sharing Perfect Reports" video. See for a preview.
Posted by: Geoff Rasmussen | August 21, 2006 at 10:51 AM