Legacy Tip: How to Count the Number of Descendants
If your ancestor was born between 1805-1847 . . .

Legacy Tip: Set the Preferred Startup Family

A Legacy user recently asked,

When I open my Legacy Deluxe it starts with my great grandfather's second oldest brother (g grandad was the oldest). I would like it to open with my 7x g grandfather. How can I change this?

Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. In the Family View, first navigate to the couple that you would like Legacy to start with each time.
  2. Then click on the Options menu, and click on Set Preferred Startup Family.
  3. Finally, click on the button entitled Set Current Family as Preferred Startup.

This couple will now be displayed when you open Legacy. However, some Legacy users would like to display the last ancestor with whom they were working. This can be done using one of two methods.

First Method

Immediately after opening Legacy, in the Family View, just click once on the Back button, located in the upper left.

Second Method

  1. Click on the Options menu, then click Customize (or just click Control-Z).
  2. Click on the General tab.
  3. In the Starting Family section, you have two choices: 1) Display Preferred Startup Family or 2) Display Last Viewed Family. Select the second option.

This is also explained in Your 12-Step Checklist to Using Legacy. Preview this video by clicking on the preview button below.


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